Odd Noses of Borneo


Odd Noses of Borneo


Odd Noses of Borneo


Odd Noses of Borneo


Odd Noses of Borneo


Odd Noses of Borneo


Odd Noses of Borneo


Odd Noses of Borneo


Odd Noses of Borneo


Odd Noses of Borneo


1 x 60’ BBC

No one knows why this nose grows, but grow it does. Huge, pendulous, and distinctly odd, it belongs to the male proboscis monkey, the most bizarre of the creatures that live in the suffocating mangrove swamps of Borneo. Its nose is so big that the monkey has to hold it out of the way to eat.

These bizarre looking primates delicately maneuver among the mangrove branches and eat the leaves of these aquatic trees. The monkeys need large tracts of mangrove forests to survive, without these trees they would disappear along with a large variety of other creatures that live in the swamps. Imperiled by settlement, agriculture, swamp drainage, mining, hunting, shrimp farming, and fire, these monkeys face odds longer than their noses!

Narrated by Dave Attenborough.